Salina Intermediate School

4th Grade Parent Meeting @ Salina Elementary on Wednesday at 9:00 (Optional, please read below)

“Parents of nine- and ten-year old students:

Today your child will bring home a packet of information from the University of Michigan regarding a landmark effort called the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. Over 10,000 nine- and ten-year-old children across the country will join this study, supported by the American School Health Association and National Institutes of Health.


The UM requests your voluntary participation in this project.


I encourage you to read the information and consider being part of this important study with your child. Participants will be paid for their time, up to $400 per year. If you are interested, use the postage paid envelope in the packet or go to Salina Intermediate ABCD to submit a response card.


For additional information, visit the study website at, email, call toll-free 844-864-ABCD, or go to Salina Intermediate ABCD.

Here is a link to a short informational video (1.5 mins) about the study.


Rick O’Neill

University of Michigan

Institute for Social Research”