Salina Intermediate School

“Chatting With The Superintendent” – Tuesday, May 9 @ 2:00

“Chatting With The Superintendent”

  • “An opportunity for informal conversation with the Superintendent and his administrative team.
  • This will be an opportunity for staff and parents to dialogue with the superintendent and cabinet administration. All staff and parents are welcome regardless of the specific school where they belong to.


  1. Discussion of the Strategic Plan
  2. Open question and answer time in a fire side chat format


  • The meetings are open to all parents and community members even if your child attends a school that is not hosting the event. Conversation will focus on topics related to individual schools or the district as a whole.

[Note:]  Parents who may want to discuss an individual student should arrange to meet privately with the principal of the school or the child’s teacher.”



Parents:            May 9, 2017:  2:00 pm @ the Salina Intermediate Auditorium