Salina Intermediate School

Principal Paragraph for October Newsletter…

Dear Parent and/or Guardian,

Fall NWEA testing sessions are wrapping up and things are moving along well. Thank you for attending our last Parent Principal Forum in September. We reviewed all of the changes and everyone had the opportunity to meet our new counselor, Mrs. Jamie Nowak. Please join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, October 18 @ 9:15.

New Staff at Salina: Cynthia Alvardo (Media Specialist), Berlynn Beaver (4th Gr), Julie Brown (ELA), Megham Clemente (5th Gr), Lindsay Dexter (5th Gr), Joel Garcia (Spanish Teacher), Tim Kalis (Engineer), Gazi Mafhahi (Social Studies), Patricia Moroz (ELA), Lauren Reynolds (ELA), & Leslie Rosol (Café Manager). We are excited to have these excellent staff members join our team at Salina Intermediate!

Please make sure that your child arrives on time to school and has a good breakfast in the morning. Our breakfast hours here are from 7:10 – 7:50 each morning. Class begins at 8:00 sharp!

Lastly, if you have any questions at any time, please feel free to contact the main office at 313-827-6600. From there, we will be able to direct your call to the appropriate person to answer all of your questions. Thank you.


Mr. Lawera
