Salina Intermediate School


                          Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP)                         

For more information please visit Michigan Department of Education:

Please tell your child: Take your Time and Do your Best on the M-STEP Test

Dear Parents,

The Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) testing window this school year is  April 9- 30 for 5th and 8th Graders , and April 30-May 21, 2018 for 4th and 6th-7th graders.  Students in grades 4-8th will take the English Language Arts and the Mathematics assessments, which will include both open-ended response and multiple choice questions. The science and  social studies tests will be given to 5th & 8th graders. The Science and Social Studies assessments will only include multiple choice questions.  Please see M-STEP assessment schedule below:

Grade 5 and 8  M-STEP Testing Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

April 9

Science 8th

April 10

Science 5th

Social Studies 8

April 11

Social Studies 5th

Cranbrook Trip 7th

April 12

Social Studies

April 13

April 16

ELA 8th

April 17

ELA 5th & 8th

April 18

ELA 5th

April 19

Cranbrook Trip 6th

April 20

Diversity Day Event

April 23

Math 8th

April 24

Math 5th & 8th

April 25

Math 5th

April 26

April 27

Zoo Field Trip 4-5 & 6-8 Newcomers

Grade 4, 6-7  M-STEP Testing Schedule
April 30

May 1

ELA 4th & 7th

May 2

ELA 4th & 7th

May 3

Greenfield Village 8th

May 4

May 7

Math 7th

May 8

Math 4th & 7th

May 9

Math 4th

May 10

May 11

Cedar Point 6-8

May 14

ELA 6th

May 15

ELA 6th

May 16

Late Start

May 17

Math 6th

May 18

Math 6th

Please review with your child the following test-taking tips.

Before the Test:

*Develop a positive attitude. Tell yourself, “I will do my best on this test.”  

*Get a good night’s sleep the night before the test.

*Get up early enough to avoid hurrying to get ready for school.

*Eat a healthy breakfast.

During the Test:

*Relax and stay calm.

* Listen carefully to the directions the teacher gives.

*Ask questions if you don’t understand what to do.

*Read each question carefully. Find the key words. Try to figure out what the question is really asking.

*Read the entire question and look at all the answer choices.

*Use strategies you learned in class to figure out the answer

*Take your time picking the best answer.

*Go back and recheck your answers

                                     Website to practice for online M-STEP:

Paper pencil sample items Google:  M-STEP paper pencil,4615,7-140-22709_70117-350086–,00.html


Jamel Lawera , Principal

                  Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP)                 

لمزيد من المعلومات الرجاء زياره موقع وزارة التربيه في ميشيغن على:

هذا الامتحان مهم جدا – الرجاء التاني حتى تحصل على نتيجة ممتازة.

أولياء الامور الأعزاء،

هذه السنه ستبدا امتحانات ال- M-STEP بين ٩ نيسان /ابريل، ٢٠١٨ و ٢١ ايار /مايو ٢٠١٨. وسيتم تقييم طلاب صف 4, 6,7  في الكتابه -االقراءة- الرياضيات  و صف الخامس & 8th في الكتابه -االقراءة- الرياضيات و العلوم الاجتماعيه و العلوم الطبيعيه. الرجاء متابعه جدول امتحانات ال-M-STEP التالي:

Grade 5 and 8  M-STEP Testing Schedule

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

April 9

Science 8th

April 10

Science 5th

Social Studies 8

April 11

Social Studies 5th

Cranbrook Trip 7th

April 12

Social Studies

April 13

April 16

ELA 8th

April 17

ELA 5th & 8th

April 18

ELA 5th

April 19

Cranbrook Trip 6th

April 20

Diversity Day Event

April 23

Math 8th

April 24

Math 5th & 8th

April 25

Math 5th

April 26

April 27

Zoo Field Trip 4-5 & 6-8 Newcomers

Grade 4, 6-7  M-STEP Testing Schedule
April 30

May 1

ELA 4th & 7th

May 2

ELA 4th & 7th

May 3

Greenfield Village 8th

May 4

May 7

Math 7th

May 8

Math 4th & 7th

May 9

Math 4th

May 10

May 11

Cedar Point 6-8

May 14

ELA 6th

May 15

ELA 6th

May 16

Late Start

May 17

Math 6th

May 18

Math 6th


يرجى تذكير أولادكم  بالنصائح التالية:

قبل الاختبار:

* أن يكونوا إيجابيين من خلال القول: “سوف أبذل قصارى جهدي في هذا الاختبار”.  

* النوم جيدا قبل الاختبار.

* الاستيقاظ في وقت مبكر لتجنب الاستعجال للوصول إلى للمدرسة.

* تناول وجبة فطور صحية.  

أثناء الاختبار:

* الاسترخاء والهدوء

* الاستماع بعناية لتوجيهات المعلم  

* طرح الأسئلة إذا لم يفهموا ما يجب القيام به.  

* قراءة كل سؤال بعناية والبحث عن الكلمات الرئيسية في السؤال لمعرفة ما هو المطلوب.

* قراءة السؤال بأكمله والنظر إلى كل الخيارات الموجودة في الجواب.

* أخذ الوقت واختيار أفضل إجابة

هذا الامتحان مهم جدا – الرجاء التاني حتى تحصل على نتيجة ممتازة.

مواقع انترنت للتمرين على إمتحان M-STEP  

                                     Website to practice for online M-STEP:

Paper pencil sample items Google: M-STEP paper pencil or,4615,7-140-22709_70117-350086–,00.html


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