Salina Intermediate School

Chatting with the Superintendent

Chatting with the Superintendent events scheduled

Gatherings allow informal conversations with the Superintendent and his administrative team.

Parents, community members, and school district staff are invited to chat about Dearborn Public Schools with Superintendent Dr. Glenn Maleyko during informal meetings at several schools this year.  Chatting with the Superintendent gatherings are less formal than School Board meetings, providing an opportunity for interactive conversation on a variety of school-related topics.

“I appreciate the opportunity to talk with our community and provide individuals with the big picture story of our district, to listen to their thoughts and comments, and hopefully to answer any questions they may have for me or our administrative team,” said Dr. Maleyko.  “Two years ago, we discovered this relaxed setting allows for good conversations, the sharing of ideas, and a platform that encourages open dialogue. I’m looking forward to this year’s Chats.”

The meetings are open to all community members, district staff, students and parents.  Parents are welcome to attend any of the Chats, even if their child attends a different school.  This year’s schedule starts Oct. 22, 2018 at Lowrey School and ends April 22, 2019 at Lindbergh Elementary.

Chatting With The Superintendent- Schedule of Meetings

Oct. 22, 2018: Lowrey School – Staff 3:30 p.m.

Oct. 25, 2018: Lowrey School – Community – 8:30 a.m.

Nov. 26, 2018: Bryant Middle School –Staff – 3 p.m. — Community – 7 p.m.

January 28, 2019: McDonald Elementary School –Staff – 3:45 p.m. –Community – 5:30 p.m.

February 25, 2019: Howard Elementary School–Staff – 4 p.m.–Community – 5:30 p.m.

March 25, 2019: Stout Middle School–Staff – 3 p.m.–Community – 6 p.m.

April 22, 2019: Lindbergh Elementary School–Staff – 4 p.m.–Community – 6 p.m.

The conversations will be driven by those in attendance and focus on topics related to individual schools or the District as a whole.  Parents who want to discuss an individual student or staff member should arrange to meet privately with the school principal or the child’s teacher.

 “The most popular theme last year was the proposed high school attendance area changes,” Dr. Maleyko said.  “As a result of parent input at the Chats and our public boundary forums, our administrative team developed a new attendance area proposal that was more agreeable to the community.”

A possible topic at this year’s Chats could be the District’s ongoing infrastructure needs. Other topics could include the change to offering students free lunch across the District, Dearborn’s improving graduation rates, the School Improvement Process, the budget, or the District’s growing enrollment.  Cabinet members from both the instructional and non-instructional side of the school District’s operations will be on hand to assist in answering questions.

Contact:  David Mustonen, Communications Director

(313) 827-3006