Salina Intermediate School

Winter NWEA Testing in January

Dear Parents,

  • Winter NWEA testing will begin in January. Middle School students will start the Reading assessment on January 8.  Students will take the Math NWEA test the second week, the Language Usage NWEA test on the third week and the Science NWEA test during the fourth week.  Please encourage your child to continue reading and taking the practice on-line tests.  e.,  Your child can also check their teacher’s iblog sites for more recommendations on how to prepare themselves for the NWEA Assessment.  i.e., IXL, Khan Academy, etc.

Elementary students will also begin NWEA tesing in January.  Your child will have the testing information written in their planners.


  • End of the 2nd Card Marking; January 18th, 2019. Please make sure your child completes all his/her assignments over the Winter Break.


Have a wonderful break and a Happy New Year!