Open house helps families explore
Dearborn’s high school programs
High school and middle school parents are invited to an open house at Michael Berry Career Center to explore the District’s many special high school programs. The open house is March 4 from 5 to 7:30 p.m.
MBCC houses or oversees several career and technical programs for students including culinary, construction, business, criminal justice, computer programing, medical careers, digital design, education, welding and more. Automotive technician courses are also offered at all three high schools. Students and families can learn more about what is offered and specifics for each program.
The open house, though, will also provide information on other high school programs offered in the district. For example, the District now offers three Henry Ford Early College programs – one each for medical, education and manufacturing. Manufacturing covers careers ranging from HVAC to welding to maintaining/programing manufacturing robots. All three programs are housed on the Henry Ford College campus, with transportation provided from the student’s home high school in Dearborn. All three allow students to attend for five years and earn both a high school diploma and an associate degree at no cost to the family. The medical and education programs also accept students from outside the district, but those students need to have their own transportation.
Similarly, the District offers the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy. However, those students attend two years at their home high schools – Fordson, Dearborn or Edsel Ford. Then if they score well enough on their 10th grade PSAT, they are invited to participate in the academy and start taking college courses. Students would again attend for a total of five years to graduate and get their associate degree.
In all four of the five-year programs, Dearborn Schools students are eligible to participate in activities at their home high school, including sports and clubs, through 12th grade. The programs differ in degree options, school environment, transportation, and more. The open house is a great opportunity for students and parents to get more specific details to find the best fit for the student.
The open house will also have information about the Dearborn Center for Math, Science and Technology (DCMST), a selective program for top performing students in the district. Those students attend half a day at the Dearborn Heights Campus, and half at their home high school with busing provided. The selective Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Middle School also will be on hand to talk to students and families.
Representatives will also attend from the Dearborn Magnet High School, Henry Ford College, Michigan Institute for Aviation Technology, Dearborn Adult and Community Education, and more.
The District hopes curious parents and students take this opportunity to explore what Dearborn Public Schools has to offer. The Early Colleges and DCMST are currently accepting applications for next year’s ninth grade class.