During this time of year, the temperatures are on the rise and we all have been spending a lot of time inside. Many are thinking that it might be alright to get outside and have children play with one or two friends. Unfortunately, this is not something we should be doing at this time. The battle to stop the spread of the COVID 19 virus is on-going and gathering in small groups, even outside at the local park is not something we should be doing.
During the State of Michigan mandated shut down, all Dearborn Public School facilities, including playgrounds, and athletic fields, will be closed to the public. Please do not attempt to go onto the fields or access the playgrounds. If you are found on the property you will be asked to leave.
The Governor has ordered that we all shelter in place. This is not a recommendation or suggestion. This action is being taken to help in the effort to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus and to mitigate the number of people becoming sick. Hospitals in southeastern Michigan are being overwhelmed and are reaching the point where they are unable to meet the needs of those arriving for care. We must all do our part to help slow the spread of this virus and remain at home!
The Governor did say that it is ok to go for a walk, run, or bike ride. However, we can not gather in groups at local parks or playgrounds.
We look forward to the day, hopefully in the not too distant future, when our facilities will once again be open to the public and we can all return to our regular routines. The District appreciates all of the support that the Dearborn community has shown and the tremendous amount of community spirit that has been demonstrated during this very difficult time. Together we will get through this, one community, #DearbornStrong!