Salina Intermediate School


Elementary Grading:

Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. 

  • Meeting:  regularly submitted work and attended check-ins
    • Accuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStar
    • High participation
  • Progressing:  Submitted most assignments and attended some of the check-ins
  • Limited Participation:  with one of the following explanations
    • Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)

Middle School Grading:

For the current marking period:

Letter grades will be one of the following:  A, B, C, G, N  

  • G=Reasons outside of their control, or unable to reach the family despite numerous attempts
  • N= No credit due to deliberate lack of participation 
  • Letter grade of D is not assigned due to MDE language stating that grading is not punitive during the shutdown.  

Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. 

  • Staff will input grades at least weekly in the gradebook as work is completed.  This will be available in parent/student connect for parents and students to view.
  • If a student participates and demonstrates learning, he/she will receive a grade. The student’s grade will be determined by participation and by evidence of learning.
  • In the event that a student experiences a family hardship or cannot complete work due to situations out of their control, G is assigned.  Summer learning opportunities may be offered.
  • If a student chooses not to participate and cannot be reached despite numerous attempts, the teacher must submit the credit/no credit form by May 28th. The principal must approve.  
  • Additional comments that may be used:
    • Rarely or did not submit work (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Rarely attended check-in sessions (may be required to attend summer school)
    • Family hardship during the time of instruction (summer support offered)
  • Students who receive no credit may be required to attend summer school or participate in additional learning.

Based on current practice, for the semester grade, the two marking periods will be calculated.  For year long grades, the four marking periods will be calculated.