Salina Intermediate School

Safety First: A Message from the Canadian Pacific Railroad Police

Since Canadian Pacific Police Service is unable to get into local community events and schools to provide rail safety education during these new and changing times, they are sharing some interactive on-line rail safety material for children and their families from Canadian Pacific Railroad.

With kids at home during COVID-19, we hope some time is taken to teach them about rail safety with the CP RailSense game featuring Cornelius the Conductor! This fun, interactive game teaches young kids all about being safe around tracks and trains. Once finished, kids can print their own Conductor badge to decorate! 

#CPRailSense #RailSafety #LookListenLive;!!Iww4!1KokOlFrX8RTvke9KIGTFniq5xve8cFLO3baHpne7BYI9cigLPoHzRg1nAVHw98ccaL-5oDHcqEfpw$

For Facebook: Canadian Pacific – Rail Safety Post to Share

Kids and their family can also visit Operation Lifesaver for some additional kid friendly activities.