Salina Intermediate had a great return to school week for 6th grade. Starting tomorrow, we welcome back 4th, 5th and 7th Graders to Salina Intermediate. The calendar below gives you a detailed listing of how each week will look and what group of students are coming in for face to face instruction.

Face-to-Face Instruction:
Group A-Monday and Thursday (last name A-F with few exceptions)
Group B-Tuesday and Friday (last name G-Z with few exceptions)
All Students have been informed by their 1st hour teachers the days they attend Face to Face Instruction.

Learning Labs are virtual unless the teacher directs otherwise.

Entry: Middle school students will enter the building through cafeteria door #23 at 8:40 AM to grab a snack-to-go
Elementary students: Will enter from Door #2 and #3 in front (Middle Stairs and the doorways to the right of the stairs) More Information will be provided by their classroom teacher.
As always, please reach out to us if you need anymore clarifications. We are a team and together this will continue to be a smooth transition.
Go Wildcats!!!!