Salina Intermediate School

Message From Our District Nurses

Hello All,

Throughout this past year we have come to learn that guidance and protocols on how we address COVID-19 can change frequently and even vary between the CDC, Michigan Department of Health, and Wayne County Health.  

In order for us to have consistency in our protocols we have always followed the guidance of the Wayne County Health Department as they have the best barometer on local conditions.  

With that said, Wayne County Health has reviewed a recommendation from the Michigan Department of Health and agrees with the State in moving back to a 14 day quarantine for those identified as a Close Contact. This is a change from the current 10 day quarantine.  

There are no other changes and the definitions of a Close Contact remain the same. The only change is that a person identified as a Close Contact will now need to quarantine for 14 days rather than 10.  

It is important that all staff be made aware of this information so please make sure to share with everyone in your building, especially those who may not access a computer everyday. We also ask Principals to please share this important change with parents.  

As always, the District Nurse Team is available to answer any questions you may have.    

Thank you,
Dearborn Public Schools Nurse Team