December 7, 2022
Every day, all of us here at Salina Intermediate work to make sure our school is a safe place for your children. Keeping our school a safe place helps to keep our neighborhood safe. As parents you play a big part in helping us in this effort and communication is vitally important.
This morning, students were outside on the playground before school started. The noon-hour supervisors noticed an adult male on the playground. The noon hour supervisors acted quickly to notify the administration who immediately called police and responded to the playground to escort the man off school property. Police arrived swiftly and located the individual.
The individual approached two students in an attempt to engage them in conversation and did make non-violent but unwanted physical contact with the students. Fortunately, the students were not physically harmed and details of the incident were shared with their parents. No other students were involved.
It is important that these experiences are not evaluated to a point that would cause any emotional stress or harm to our children. We should use these experiences as a teaching moment and an opportunity to talk to our children about how to stay safe when they are walking to and from school, playing on the playground before or after school, or playing in the neighborhood. Here are a few helpful reminders:
- Never talk to a stranger.
- Never get into a car with a stranger.
- Never talk to a stranger who is looking for his/her lost pet.
- Children should walk to and from school with other children.
- Always report suspicious characters to parents, teachers and the police.
- If approached by a stranger, run in the opposite direction and tell an adult.
I truly enjoy being a part of the Salina School and being a part of the great Salina community. By working together and keeping an open line of communication, we can ensure that our schools, homes, and neighborhood will remain safe for all of us.
Eman Ahmed Ed.S