Please read the important message from our superintendent, Dr. Maleyko. We have attached an English and Arabic version. We are all here to support each other. Please remember to monitor your child's remote learning. Superintendent-Message-4-24-20Download...
Class News
Food Mobile Pantry Tomorrow, April 23rd at Lapeer Park at 2PM
An Important Message for the 7th Graders
Hello Families. The 7th grade team has put together a letter to students and parents that explain the process and expectations for online learning. Please use this letter as a reference if you are not sure about something. Also, feel free to reach out to us if you...
Honor Roll Report Card 3 (6-8)
We are so proud of the students who made the honor roll this marking period. Continue to set goals and you will continue to shine. Great job to all! Those who make the honor roll list must earn a 3.0 or higher and those who get a 4.0 make the principal list. There...
Remote Learning Weekly Calendars for Students
What you need to know: -Calendars will have all subject areas including electives. There will be one calendar per grade level. -Each teacher will also add the weekly calendar to their iBlog -Students will still get in-depth explanations by going to individual...
Elementary Grading: Students receive feedback on weekly assignments in the form of narrative comments. Meeting: regularly submitted work and attended check-insAccuracy of work assessed on standards/graded/recorded in MiStarHigh...
The Learning Continues at Salina
Elementary school Teachers will check in with students at least twice a week via tools such as Google Hangouts, email or phone calls. Students are expected to attend all Google Hangout sessions and engage in the work assigned by teachers. It is essential that...
Mobile Food Pantry
Welcome Back!!!
Dear Salina Intermediate Families, We hope everyone is safe and well. Please remember to log on to your google classroom, ixl, Khan Academy, EverFi, Clever and most importantly continue to check your school email. Finally, check with your teachers for assignments. Do...