Salina Intermediate School

District Calendar

Official Calendars

Parent Connect

Grades, attendance, and student information system

Student Portal

Student links and resources.

Welcome to our school.

Memo from Principal

DATE: November 18, 2020 TO: Salina Intermediate School Community FROM: Principal, Eman Ahmed RE: COVID-19 Case Identification  A confirmed case of coronavirus (COVID-19) has been identified at school. We are working closely with Wayne County Health Department to...

Headphone and Books Distribution Middle School Only

We will distribute headphones and books on Thursday and Friday November 19 & 20 from 1:40-3 for middle school only. Please come to front of the school. This is open for all middle school students. Elementary will be another day.

E-Books Coming to Salina

E-Books Coming to Salina

The district is purchasing the “Sora” e-book reading platform for all of Dearborn Public Schools. Students will be able to access e-books on their Chromebooks, or other devices using the Sora app. They will log in through Clever, so they will have an easy way to get...

Please Help and Report Pollution

Please Help and Report Pollution

Salina Community, Please call 1-800-292-4706 to report any kind of strong odors that you smell or unusual air pollution that you see.  It's a quick process.  Save this number as a contact on your cell phones.  Please make sure that you are given a report number.  This...

Athletics Suspended Until Further Notice

Effective immediately, all athletics will be suspended until December 8 at the earliest.  We will follow the protocols set by the Governor and the MHSAA  (Michigan High School Athletic Association) فعال فورآ،  جميع برامج الرياضة سيتم تعليقه لحتى تاريخ ٨ ديسمبر وفي...

New Schedule Starts Monday, November 16

We just want to remind everyone that the new 1-7 schedule starts on Monday. We emailed all students a copy of the schedule.

Once a Wildcat, Always a Wildcat

Online Safe Box

Being bullied? Want to report an unsafe or potentially dangerous situation? Please fill out this anonymous form.

Click here: Safe Voice Form

In case of an emergency, please dial 911.

Contact Information

2623 Salina St.
Dearborn, MI 48120
Main Office: (313) 827-6600

Principal: Mrs. Ahmed
Assistant Principal: Mr. Abusalah

School Hours:
Full Days: 8:25 a.m. to 3:20 p.m
Half Days: 8:25 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Late Start: 9:25 a.m. to 3:20 p.m.

Salina Intermediate School

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