Salina Intermediate School

Class News

Date changed to Aug. 25 for free Back-to-School Health Clinics

Date changed to Aug. 25 for free Back-to-School Health Clinics

C-ASSIST has changed the date of the free Back-To-School Health Clinic planned at Salina Intermediate. The clinic and one at Fordson High will now be held on Aug. 25 to coincide with open houses at the schools. Both clinics will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and are open...

June 19 Board of Education meeting moved to Edsel Ford High

June 19 Board of Education meeting moved to Edsel Ford High

The Dearborn Public Schools Board of Education meeting for Monday, June 19, 2023 is being moved to Edsel Ford High School.  The meeting will be held in the auditorium and will still begin at 7 p.m. The board agenda and other meeting materials are now available on the...

Lost And Found Area

Lost And Found Area

This school year is coming to an end soon and our lost and found area is still filled with items. Please remind your child to go look for any lost belongings and claim them before they are discarded. Parents are also welcome to stop by and look. The lost and found...

School Community Letter

Greetings Families,  Our school is quickly coming to a close but there is still plenty of teaching and learning to share. All of our remaining days are filled with valuable lessons found in our curriculum and meaningful instruction.   I know there have...

Evaluation of the Best Food Forward Program

Evaluation of the Best Food Forward Program

Information Website – ParentsWayne State University and California State University San Marcos researchers will be conducting anevaluation of the Best Food Forward programming to better understand its impact on health and how toimprove the program. You and your child...

P-EBT Student Exception Announcement

Please click on the link below for more information regarding the P-EBT Student Exception Announcement. Thank you! P-EBT-Student-Exception-Announcement-Training-4.0Download Salina-Intermediate-4-8-2Download

May Parent Principal Forum

May Parent Principal Forum

Please join us for a cup of coffee and light snacks while you sit and chat with our Principal for our final PPF for this school year. We will be meeting this Tuesday, May 16 in the Conference Room beginning at 9am. يرجى الانضمام إلينا لتناول فنجان من القهوة والوجبات...