Dear Parent/Guardian, We want to hear from you. This survey will ask you questions about your child’s school, including questions about Open House schedules, culture and climate, student engagement, school environment, and school safety. The results of this...
Eman Ahmed
Parent Panel Interest Survey
Parents/Guardians, please complete the following survey if you would like to be notified and considered for future parent panel participation opportunities. Examples of panel opportunities include but are not limited to interviews and stakeholder meetings. Please...
Little Amal: An Artistic Expression Representing Refugees Around the World
The name Amal means "hope" in Arabic. Little Amal is the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child at the heart of The Walk. She has become a global reminder of the human rights of refugees. Since July 2021, Amal has traveled over 6,000 miles to 97 towns...

Parent Survey
District surveying parents interested in child care on early release days Dearborn Public Schools is surveying parents who may need assistance with childcare when early release Tuesdays start in October. English and Arabic versions of the survey are available...
School Community Letter
Greetings Families, Our school is quickly coming to a close but there is still plenty of teaching and learning to share. All of our remaining days are filled with valuable lessons found in our curriculum and meaningful instruction. I know there have...
P-EBT Student Exception Announcement
Please click on the link below for more information regarding the P-EBT Student Exception Announcement. Thank you! P-EBT-Student-Exception-Announcement-Training-4.0Download Salina-Intermediate-4-8-2Download

Ramadan Mubarak
Ramadan Mubarak to all those observing this holy month!
STEM School Eligibility and Criteria
Student Entrance Criteria Parent Timeline for STEM Admissions 2023-2024 STEM school provides an accelerated learning pathway for middle school students. This program follows the middle school curriculum and resources adopted across the district. The STEM Apps class...

Important Parent Letter
December 7, 2022 Greetings, Every day, all of us here at Salina Intermediate work to make sure our school is a safe place for your children. Keeping our school a safe place helps to keep our neighborhood safe. As parents you play a big part in...
SEDSAC Application
Executive Directors of Student Achievement are happy to resume the implementation of the Superintendent’s/Executive Directors’ Student Advisory Council (SEDSAC) committees in each of the middle schools. Students’ voice has been the driving force behind both the...